Welcome to Netwoxx

The Service Marketplace That Works for You

Netwoxx LTD formerly known as Strock Limited is deighted to present you with our new product. Netwoxx is a new platform that aims to support clients and service providers by providing a revolutionary platform that offers a unique blend of service marketplace features and social media attributes, creating an intuitive and interactive user experience. The platform connects businesses and individuals with the right service providers, making it easier to find and hire professionals for projects and side hustles.

Netwoxx offers a range of features that make it easy to find and hire service providers. The platform allows users to create a profile and search for service providers based on their skills, location, and availability. Users can also post projects and receive proposals from service providers, making it easy to find the right person for the job. In addition, Netwoxx offers tools for managing projects, tracking time, and making payments, making it easy to work with service providers and manage projects from start to finish.

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